Best Poster Presentation Award at the Targeting Microbiota 2024 Conference.
We are pleased to announce that Mateusz Szudzik, PhD from the Medical University of Warsaw, Poland, has won the Best Poster Presentation Award (2) at the Targeting Microbiota 2024 Conference. More information can be found here.
American Heart Association - Paul Dudley White International Scholar 2024

At the 19th Warsaw International Medical Congress, Łukasz Mazurek, MD, gave a lecture entitled 'Keratin-Acetate Dressing Accelerates Wound Healing and Promotes M2 Macrophages Polarisation in Diabetic Rats' and won first place in the PhD Basic & Preclinical Science Session.

During the 10th International Scientific Conference "Interdisciplinary Aspects of Skin and Mucosal Diseases" organised by the Student Dermatological Scientific Club at the Department of Dermatology of the Medical University of Warsaw, Jan Jurak, a student from our club, took 2nd place in the original papers session.

At the 14th edition of the “Skin Ageing & Challenges” healed in Lisbon our colleague Mateusz Rybka, MD presented the results of his research project entitled pt." Keratin-TMAO Wound Dressing Promotes Polarization Of M2 Macrophages And Accelerates Wound Healing In Diabetic Rats".

At the 8th International Conference on Composite Materials and Material Engineering (ICCMME2023) held in Tokyo, Japan on January 6-8, 2023 our college Łukasz Mazurek won the best lecture award. ICCMME2023 is co-organized by South Asia Institute of Science and Engineering (SAISE), Sichuan University, China, Yonsei University, South Korea and Tokyo University of Science, Japan.

At the 13th International Conference on Skin Ageing and Challenges held in Lisbon, Marek Konop, PhD, was invited as an invited speaker to deliver a lecture "Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde – Two Faces of Opioids in a Wound Treatment".

American Heart Association - Paul Dudley White International Scholar 2022

During the 8th International Scientific Conference "Interdisciplinary Aspects of Skin and Mucosal Diseases" organized by the Student Dermatological Scientific Club at the Department of Dermatology of the Medical University of Warsaw, a student of our Club - Lukasz Mazurek won in the "Original Research Session" and Mateusz Rybka took IInd place in the "Review Session".

We are very pleased to announce that the paper by Konop M. et al. "Evaluation of keratin biomaterial containing silver nanoparticles as a potential wound dressing in full-thickness skin wound model in diabetic mice" has been ranked as a Top Cited Article 2020-2021.
Link to the article:

At the 12th International Conference on Skin Ageing and Challenges held in Lisbon, Marek Konop, PhD, won the Short Oral Presentation session for his lecture entitled "Keratin-Biphalin Scaffold Accelerate Skin Wound Healing in Diabetic Mice." Link:…;

We are pleased to announce that the paper entitled "Microbiota and Malodor-Etiology and Management" ( by Mogilnicka et al. has been selected as a Top Downloaded Papers of International Journal of Molecular Sciences in 2020.

International award for Employees of the Department of Experimental Physiology and Pathophysiology at WUM.
We invite you to read the interview that the Head of the Department of Experimental Physiology and Pathophysiology at WUM, Prof. Marcin Ufnal, MD, PhD, gave to The Naked Scientists portal titled. "Trimethylamine oxide cuts heart failure death".
Link to the interview:…
Link to the article titled: "TMAO, a seafood-derived molecule, produces diuresis and reduces mortality in heart failure rats" published in the prestigious journal eLife (IF = 7,080)
Awards Foundation for Polish Science (FNP)
The Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) has announced a list of scholarship holders of the 28th edition of the START program. Among the 100 most talented young scientists was Kinga Jaworska, a PhD student from the Department of Experimental Physiology and Pathophysiology, who was awarded in the field of preclinical medicine.

Minister of Health Award
The ministerial award for significant achievements in the field of scientific activity - was received by a team from the Department of Physiology and Experimental Pathophysiology composed of: prof. Marcin Ufnal - head of the Department, Tomasz Hutsch, PhD, Marek Konop, PhD and Piotr Konopelski, MD.

American Heart Association
Paul Dudley White International Scholar 2019

The Physiological Society
The Physiological Society has issued the press release and video promoting research about a new marker of a functional intestinal lesion (Permeability ratio, Pr ratio). The results of our research were published in the article: "Inflammatory bowel disease associates with increased gut ‐ to ‐ blood penetration of SCFA: A new, noninvasive marker of a functional intestinal lesion". Exp Physiol. 2019, doi: 10.1113 / EP087773.
Article Impact Award 2018
During the "Experimental Biology 2019" Congress held in Orlando, USA, prof. Marcin Ufnal - Head of the Department of Physiology and Experimental Pathophysiology received the "Article Impact Award 2018" from the editor-in-chief of the American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiolgy - prof. Irving Zucker as the corresponding author of the work "Chronic, low-dose treatment reduces TMAO diastolic dysfunction and heart fibrosis in hypertensive rats."

Article Impact Award 2018
Podczas odbywającego się w Orlando w USA, Kongresu "Experimental Biology 2019" prof. Marcin Ufnal – kierownik Zakładu Fizjologii i Patofizjologii Eksperymentalnej odebrał nagrodę "Article Impact Award 2018" od redaktora naczelnego American Journal of Physiology – Heart and Circulatory Physiolgy - prof. Irvinga Zuckera jako autor korespondujący pracy "Chronic, low-dose TMAO treatment reduces diastolic dysfunction and heart fibrosis in hypertensive rats".

International Society of Microbiota
Targeting Microbiota Award